Series finale and future plans

Our final episode of Under Dead Water and the entire Mandible Judy story is live. Check the Episodes tab to listen.
We’re sad to finally set the entire saga off on the great sea of the internet but happy that it will continue to reach new audiences and we wish it a prodigiously long tail.
Audio drama is not the ‘stickiest’ of internet content, but one thing it has that much of the ephemera out there does not, is an evergreen appeal. So we hope that new, younger and older audiences continue to find the series and maybe even check in with us sometimes. It’s always great to hear from listeners!
Moving forward, we have some cool ideas in the treatment stage and hope to bring you a brand new series in the next year. We’ll keep you posted as things progress. PLEASE do reach out if you have any thoughts about things you liked about Mandible Judy/Under Dead Water or suggestions on how we could make the next series better. We would really appreciate any guidance from our listeners. Email Chris at info at mandiblejudy dot com. Thank you!
/Chris Burke