Series finale and future plans

Our final episode of Under Dead Water and the entire Mandible Judy story is live. Check the Episodes tab to listen.
We’re sad to finally set the entire saga off on the great sea of the internet but happy that it will continue to reach new audiences and we wish it a prodigiously long tail.
Audio drama is not the ‘stickiest’ of internet content, but one thing it has that much of the ephemera out there does not, is an evergreen appeal. So we hope that new, younger and older audiences continue to find the series and maybe even check in with us sometimes. It’s always great to hear from listeners!

Moving forward, we have some cool ideas in the treatment stage and hope to bring you a brand new series in the next year. We’ll keep you posted as things progress. PLEASE do reach out if you have any thoughts about things you liked about Mandible Judy/Under Dead Water or suggestions on how we could make the next series better. We would really appreciate any guidance from our listeners. Email Chris at info at mandiblejudy dot com. Thank you!
/Chris Burke

Under Dead Water Season 3

Season 3 is under way with five episodes already up. If you haven’t dug into it yet, listen to our Pre-Season 3 recap first!

The cast & crew of Under Dead Water were honored this year by the Hear Now Festival with a Platinum award in the category of Audio Theater. We are grateful for this acknowledgment, especially considering the number of truly inspiring audio drama works that were submitted.

While waiting for Season 3 of Under Dead Water, you might want to check out our merch on and pick up a CD, soundtrack DL or our creepy “Severed Thumb Drives”, loaded up with all episodes of both Mandible Judy and Under Dead Water, plus bonus music and video.

Interview with Bonnie Bogovich

As we near the beginning of Season 3 of Under Dead Water, we’re revisiting some of the conversations we had on the twitch stream last year.

We spoke with Bonnie Bogovich about her work as an actress, singer and game designer and playing not one, but two doctors and a conspiracy obsessed 20-something in the Mandible Judy universe. Joining the chat were Chris Burke, Amanda Goodman, Clayton Romero and Mike Hall.

Interview with Noa Graham

As we near the beginning of Season 3 of Under Dead Water, we’re revisiting some of the conversations we had on the twitch stream last year.

Writer/director Chris Burke spoke with Noa Graham about her work in theater and audio drama and embodying the characters of René Kaderbeck and Ebba Pedersen in the Mandible Judy universe.

Sound Design Deep Dive with Clayton Romero

As we near the beginning of Season 3 of Under Dead Water, we’re revisiting some of the conversations we had on the twitch stream last year. First up is Clayton Romero explaining his sound design wizardry in UDW S02E04. We needed a way to show a temporal disruption when Amanda and Connor arrive at Willow Island. Clayton came up with a compelling way to show this with just the sound design.

Thanks to our supporters

We have lots in the works and want to take a moment to thank our generous Patreon supporters. You are giving us the momentum we need to write, direct, act, compose and design the Mandible Judy universe and we really appreciate it.
If you haven’t joined us on Patreon, we have created bonus episodes, given out CDs, music downloads and our “severed thumb drives” (pictured below). We’d love to count you among our supporters! Click the “Become a patron” button above.